dinsdag 1 maart 2011

New idea's for an elvencostume

For a long time I was thinking of making (or buying parts) of an elven costume. The reason is that I enjoy to tell storys for a small- or big crowd. And a good costume will bring a good background to it.

I'm still searching for a good tailor which can help me to make some parts of the costume. And saving some money to pay for the fabrics. With some help of others I can create a new costume which will be a lot more comfy that the sturdy SW outfits.

Darth Vader but now an albino

Because I have my own kind of style I made this cool outfit. It is based on the comic of SW. Everybody knows that Darth Vader died in part VI, but in the comic he survived and turned to the good side. Of course he had to wear his kit, so a new kit was made in white.

It was kinda diffecult to find all parts of this costume. The standard which I want to apply was that all parts were made by fans and they had to be of the highest quality. After a search which took almost a year I found all parts.
* the ANH helmet which was made in Italy
* Shoulderparts and shinparts custommade in England
* chestpiece from the USA
* buckle and boxes from the USA
* the knigthsuit and cape from Texas custommade
* the undersuit + gloces and codpiece specialy made in Argentinia my the greatest SWtailor who makes all the undersuits of darth Vader. He was honoured that he was asked to make this one because it was the first white undersuit he ever made.
The only thing which wasn't available at that time were the boots. But I found a good supplier in the USA who makes the white matching boots.
What is done with this costume?
I have been asked if I want to wear it when shops are opened. Or when conventions are held in certain places. Great thing is that I have the proper heigth (196cm or 6'10").'
What are you planning to do with this costume?
I keep this costume because it is the costume which has the most fun to wear. And when people or friends are intrested and they want to have a white Vader in stead of the casual darth Vader
in their shop. Well .... just put down a comment.
Are there more ideas to improve this costume?
Of course. It is kinda warm and uncomfortable in the costume, so a good cooling and air system would be great (still thinking of creating one).
Also a good voicebox would be cool, not the casual one but one which can be adjustable in volume and one in which I can link with music.